I can hardly believe it is already March! This year is flying by at record speed. In this month of St. Patrick’s Day, we are feeling awfully lucky to be spending our days with a bunch of little leprechauns! We are having a great year, and the spring will surely bring even more fun, growth, and learning to preschoolers.
Our unit of study this month is Dinosaurs! (our children’s favorite topic). Children will get a chance to learn about different Dinosaurs. Children will also make Dinosaur fossils.
Moreover, we will start practicing our name now and it will be a part of our classroom routine
St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17. Scavenger hunt will be the best part of the day! Please wear green on that day.
March 23-26 will be our Easter week which includes lots of Easter fun activities and Easter egg hunt will be the best part of it.
For a multicultural focus we are going to learn about an Indian festival Holi (The festival of colors).
If your child is moving on to a Pre-K program, we encourage you to register your child as soon as we open the registration for fall on March 1 st, 2021.
Registration for new families will be opening on March 15, 2021.
Pajama Day -March 11 and 12
Spring Break- March 29-April 1 (School Closed)
Good Friday- April 2nd (School Closed)
Easter Monday- April 5th (School closed)
Discovery Time Team
Kavita and Bhawani