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May Newsletter

April was an action-packed month at Discovery time and we can’t believe how fast time is flying! We have learned about Primary and Secondary colors. It was fun mixing the colors to make a new color. We have also started learning about plants and their parts and it is extremely exciting working on a secret project.

May should be equally as fun and busy at the preschool. We are looking forward to learning all about bugs, caterpillars, and butterflies. As the weather is beautiful now so we love spending more time outside. We will be spending most of our class time outside as well including circle time and snack time. Please make sure your child has hat and water bottle for outside. It will be a great idea to apply sunscreen and bug spray before your children come to school because it works for few hours and it can save our time for other activities.

Registration for 2021-2022

• Registrations for next year is very strong, and classes are filling quickly.

• If you have friends with children ages 3-5 who have not yet registered for a preschool or pre-K program, encourage them to do it soon!

• We have all our schedule and fee information on the website at

• Thank you as always for your continued support and communication as we strive to provide the most caring, safe and fun environment possible for your children!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Dates to remember:

May 6 and 7- Crazy Hair Day

May 13 and 14 – Pajama and movie day

May 20 and 21- Kids Zumba

May 24- Victoria Day (No School)

Discovery Time Team Kavita and Bhawani


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