April Newsletter
Welcome Spring!!!!!
We are so happy Spring has finally arrived and the warmer weather with it. March was a busy month, and we finished our month by wrapping up our 'Colors and Rainbow' unit and it took us a bit of discussion with the students to come up with this month’s theme.
In honor of springtime, we are going to learn about GROWING in April. This is a topic that has all the children buzzing! They are increasingly aware that they are growing bigger and bigger each day, so we will embrace this in our classroom through art, science, and reading this month. We are going to focus on the life cycle of plants in our science area, including activities of sprouting seeds in the windows, planting sprouts for each child to care for and measuring our friends.
We will also create collage with various seeds, practice math concepts with sorting and counting seeds, and we plan to take a few “nature walks” to seek out signs of spring. It is essential to spend time in nature.
Easter is the favorite time for all the children! We will be enjoying Easter activities along with Easter Egg hunt in the field.
I am happy to let everyone know that we are planning indoor and outdoor field trips for our preschoolers. We will share the information with everyone asap.
We have already confirmed one field trip. We will inform the families if we need any volunteers for this field trip.
Details are as follows:
Littke kickers field trip
In the school field
Dates- April 28 & 29
Time - During the class
April 2-8, 2022
The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration initiated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. According to NAEYC, it is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibilities, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that each child experiences the type of early environment – at home, at childcare, at school, and in the community- that will promote their early learning.When children build together, they explore math and science concepts and develop their social and early literacy skills. From a fort of branches on the playground to a block city in the classroom.
Monday: Musical Monday
Tuesday: Tasty Tuesday (Children will learn about healthy eating and fitness)
Wednesday: Work together Wednesday
Thursday: Artsy Thursday
Friday: Family Friday (We will read the stories and share pictures on this day to acknowledge the role families play in child’s learning.)
We are also working hard on our letters and Identifying the letters in our name. We will focus more on writing our names by ourselves.
Please remember we are outside every day and sometimes we can get a little messy when we play. Please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothes and an extra set of clothes in their Bags.
Happy Springtime! Play outside 🙂
Good Friday - April 15 (No school)
Easter Monday - April 18 (No school)
Discovery time team
Kavita and Bhawani
